Songsters Go Virtual


In 2020, with pandemic restrictions limiting all in-person singing, the Brigade went Virtual. By the end of June 2021, they had recorded 26 Virtual Choir selections, most of which can be heard by clicking the link:


To create these virtual recordings Individual singers recorded their own part at home while listening to tracks created by Songster Leader, Laurie Hamilton. Tracks contained the piano accompaniment, individual voice parts as well as a metronome for strict unification of tempo. These were then mixed and edited by then Songster member, Sean Van Gulik. These selections were challenging both technically and musically but brought a blessing to both performers and those who could listen in literally from all over the world.


In 2020 the Salvation Army conducted a survey of favourite Songster pieces and the song ‘His Provision’ By John Gowans, arranged by Ivor Bosanko was selected as number 9 out of 10. International Headquarters selected the Ottawa Citadel Songster virtual recording of this piece to showcase the song. The full list can be seen and heard here.